
Culture values

Culture values

Join a fiercely collected, intelligent atmosphere

We’re engineering an exciting and inclusive culture at KROOZER to create a space in which people love to work while also helping us find the people we’ll love to work with. Discover our culture through our six core values.


01. Empathy

Everything starts with empathy. By expressing a genuine interest and desire to understand others in our day-to-day work, we can be a bigger help and inspiration to our colleagues and partners around us in order to design products more suited to our customers' needs.


02. Curiosity

Keep exploring with a pioneer mindset. It’s how we discover, develop, and design new solutions that will make a world of difference. It’s how we keep taking steps forward both within the organization and with our suppliers, partners, and customers.


03. Smart

Each and every team member is an expert in their field and is a core part of the KROOZER! philosophy. You need to be able to consider every angle, think critically, and apply intelligent, scalable solutions in such a way that we can work with them for years to come. You also need to be able to clearly communicate your thinking and approach to others. When you’re the expert, it’s on you to explain it to others, answer their questions, and if necessary, convince them it’s the smart solution.


04. Ambition

Good is never good enough at KROOZER!. We’re always pushing ourselves to understand what we could have done better, to take another step forward. That means that sometimes we don’t stop to celebrate our successes - we immediately look to improve on them. This can be challenging, so you need to have pride in what you’re doing, not just what you’ve done.


05. Passion

At KROOZER!, we love what we do. It’s that love that fuels us to do more and do it better. When you radiate enthusiasm, you come into work ready to inspire and ready to boost everyone around you. As you can imagine, many people at KROOZER! are passionate about motorcycling, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. You could have passion for design or a passion for innovation, a passion for creativity or outdoor sport, or fashion, or engineering, or logistics, or finance, or people. As long as you nurture that passion.


06. Trustworthy

Building meaningful, open, and honest relationships is the key to good business. This is how everyone within the greater KROOZER! family (employees, suppliers, partners, and customers) can work and grow together. Because we’re always open and honest with each other, we can always rely on promises to be fulfilled, help to be offered, and kindness to be reciprocated. This ensures the facilitation of long-term relationships we will continue to benefit from for many years to come.

Guiding Principles

Never stand for anything less

The way we treat each other at KROOZER helps us achieve more together, it helps us grow and develop on an individual level too. You will be expected to uphold these principles - just as those around - to play a part in building a working environment that we can all thrive in.


Respecting and appreciating what makes people different. Embracing and celebrating all our unique skill sets, as well as our social and cultural backgrounds at KROOZER result in an open-minded, empathic, and colorful environment that promotes creativity, curiosity, and innovation. Diversity fuels our business, giving us more ideas and experiences to draw from and therefore allows us to see different solutions.


Creating a sense of belonging for everyone who works here. We want KROOZER to be a safe and supportive environment where you can feel welcome, uninhibited, and inspired. The more involved we all are, the more meaningful a contribution we feel we can each make, the better we can achieve our goals.


Enabling people to take initiative and responsibility helps us make sure that our skills are allowed to flourish. We invest in methodologies and workspaces that help you take initiative and responsibility, accelerating your personal development, and creating a more productive, committed, and loyal team around you. Empowerment starts with trust. Trust in each other’s intentions, knowledge, and capabilities.

Explore life at KROOZER

Our Play Ground

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Join a fiercely collected, intelligent atmosphere.

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Helping you thrive, feel inspired, and have fun.

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